
Want A Constant Flow Of Clients RIGHT NOW in The Summer of 2018? Just Copy What's Proven To Work, And "Focus" On Taking Great Photographs!

You've realized it, haven't you? Success and profits as a photographer are completely tied to one thing: MARKETING. 

I'm Charles Lewis, and along with two other photographic marketing masters, we are HANDING you over a DOZEN specific ONLINE & OFFLINE marketing campaigns for you to copy, send out, and REAP THE REWARDS FROM.

You can be the best photographer in the world, and have no clients (or be a mediocre one with LOTS of clients). It all depends on the marketing you do. I know we wish that wasn't true, but it is - so let's make sure you get LOTS of great clients - right now!

How great will it feel when you have the confidence and peace-of-mind to KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your photography business will be as booked as you want it to be for the next 6-12 months?

When you have a CONSTANT FLOW of excited clients WANTING to hire you now - how much more excited will you be about your photography business? When you're bringing in more money than you ever imagined with your photography - is that possible? More than you know. 

What will you do with the extra profits that come in? A month-long vacation to the other side of the world? Pay off your house? Buy a new car? Donate a good sum to a worthy charity? Put it in the bank so you can retire nice and secure? The beauty is - THE CHOICE WILL BE YOURS.

RIGHT NOW IN AUGUST OF 2018, more than anything else, I’m hearing from photographers saying that they need MARKETING IDEAS. More than that, they WANT marketing pieces and emails and facebook posts they can COPY and use in their own photography business, so they don’t have to create them for themselves. 

And I think they are SMART for thinking that way! Why re-invent the wheel, and try to come up with your own marketing for your photography business, when you can just copy (with permission, of course) these marketing ideas and campaigns and use them for yourself?!  

That’s why I’m giving you a chance right now to open my ONLINE VAULT of photography marketing pieces, and take them, and use them for yourself. This vault also includes some ultra-successful and PROVEN marketing pieces from other great photographers - with permission for you to copy and use them as well! No joke - and no B.S. (read on...)

TRUE SUCCESS STORY: Here’s What Hal Jaffe of Memphis, TN Has To Say About The Secrets Revealed In This Information: 

Bringing In About $500,000 THIS YEAR ALONE! Shooting For $1,000,000 Next Year! 

"Chuck, I can't tell you enough what a lifesavers your monthly secrets have been! I've had been a fairly successful photographer for many years - but things in the business REALLY started to change. Things I'd been doing for years were no longer really working. Then, I discovered your Money-Making Group. Now, I'm making SUPER money! I'm so thrilled that people are now willing to pay me what I deserve to be making! This year, it looks like we're going to bring in about $500,000 - no kidding! Next year, we're shooting to double that - and I have no doubt that's completely possible. You have no idea (or obviously you do) what it's like to make a great living doing what I've always loved most. Your devoted student and friend, Hal." 

 -Hal Jaffe - Memphis, TN

You’ll Get To COPY & USE 13 Complete Marketing Campaigns (for use both online and offline) For The Rest Of Your Life - For Only $13! (AND ALMOST ALL CAN BE USED ONLINE AS WELL IN PRINT!) 

Downloadable and copyable MARKETING PIECES YOU WILL GET: 

  • Facebook BOOSTED POSTS, Regular Posts & Ads - DOZENS of samples to directly copy 
  • Family Photography SALES LETTER - For Mail or Email 
  • Wedding Photography CLIENT BOOKING BOOKLET For Mailing Or USE ONLINE  
  • E-Newsletters  
  • Auction Certificate  
  • Model Forms  
  • Email Response System - Multi-step emails  
  • Postcard / Liftcard  
  • Referral Marketing  
  • Graduating Senior Marketing 
  • Baby Marketing  
  • Specific HOLIDAY Marketing  
  • ...AND MORE! 

This Special $13 Offer Is ONLY Available Till 3:30pm Eastern Time This Thursday, August 23rd.

NEXT, Here’s What You Will SEE, HEAR, AND DISCOVER During This 2-PART Downloadable Video Program: “How To Craft Ultra-Successful Photo Marketing” - AS A FREE BONUS:

Discover how to implement EVERYTHING very quickly, so you can start reaping the rewards immediately!

  • The 10 VITAL Parts Of ANY Photography Marketing Campaign, A CHECKLIST! - If you miss just ONE of these 10 marketing HOT-BUTTONS, your marketing won’t be as successful as it could be! Use this list as a “checklist” to make sure that every marketing campaign you do has these vital aspects in them, whether in an email, or on your website, or in any other online or offline marketing. 
  • HEADLINES That Sell Photography Like MAGIC! - Did you know that the HEADLINE you use in any marketing campaign has the power to increase or decrease your response by up to 350%?! That means that your choice of headline is CRUCIAL to the success of your marketing. Here we’ll give you 19 KILLER HEADLINES you can use in all your photo-marketing - starting RIGHT NOW! 
  • How To Come Up With KILLER-OFFERS That Book Sessions! - Want to know what types of offers you should (and should NOT) offer in your marketing? Here, we will give you some of our FAVORITE special offers, and even talk about how to present them to prospects to get them to book sessions NOW!
  •  Cosmetics of Photo-Marketing - What Should It Look Like? - Does your website look like it needs to look to bring in the great clients? Are your emails formatted the best way to attract people who will book sessions? Are you doing any marketing, online or offline, and wondering what it should LOOK like? We’ll give you 7 key points on the LOOK of your marketing that you’ll use from now on to create the BRAND and LOOK you need!  
  • The A-Z System For Crafting ANY Marketing Piece - What To Do, And How To Do It! We’ll even walk you through the creation of a marketing campaign from beginning to end - listing each and every step for you. Never wonder how to best craft your marketing again - this section will lay it all out for you in great detail! 
  • DETAILED Q&A Session - All Questions Submitted By Photographers About Marketing - ANSWERED HERE! We even allowed photographers from all over the world to submit their questions to us about photography marketing, and we answered EVERY ONE OF THEM during this in-depth Q&A session! You’ll get to eavesdrop on all the questions and hear our complete answers - nothing edited out! 
  • and much, much more.... we’ve crammed a LOT of great secrets into this 2-video series - NO B.S., no time for idol chatting. This full-length video series has been sought after by so many photographers over the last few months - now you can download and have it for yourself. Check it out, included as a bonus with this $13 special... 

********************************************** FOR JUST $13, you get access to all of these photo-marketing pieces, PLUS this 2-PART video program ONLINE - PLUS access to our entire PHOTO-PROFITS ONLINE VAULT (full of over 150 hours of additional video and audio for photographers)- ALL for the rest of August! Then, starting in September, if you don’t cancel, you will remain a member at the special discounted rate of only $39 per month to continue your access to the ONLINE VAULT & everything on it - including this 2-part video and much, much more. Again, you may cancel at ANY TIME. NOTE: you’ll get to keep your downloads of the marketing pieces forever, no matter when you cancel. Canceling is easy, and can be done anytime - just go to *********************************************** 

TRUE SUCCESS STORY: Here’s What DINA IVORY - An Extremely Successful Photographer in Tallahasee, Florida Has To Say About The Secrets Revealed In This Information:

Making Over $600,000 PER YEAR, All From Photography!

“This stuff is priceless! It will save you years of trial and error, and quickly add BIG dollars to your bottom line! Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio that used to bring in around $120,000 a year to one that now does over $600,000 a year! (That’s a difference of over $41,000 a month!) Chuck is the one who taught me this stuff, and I will thank him for the rest of my life for that! I tell every photographer I know that they must listen and learn from him!"

 -Dina Ivory - Tallahasee, FL

ADDITIONAL BONUS MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS (in addition to getting to watch this FULL-LENGTH video series): 

You Become A Trial Member For The Rest of AUGUST- INCLUDED For FREE - Cancel ANY TIME  

As A Member Of Our “INNER-CIRCLE GROUP” You’ll Get: 

Access To A FULL PHOTO-PROFITS ONLINE VAULT Jam Packed With Photography Money-Making Secrets, Including Over 150 hours of Detailed Photo Business Videos, Tons of Audio, My Photography “TELECHARTS” Telephone Answering Scripts For Instant Download, Photography Pricelists and Packages all Laid Out, Printed Materials, And MUCH MORE! YOU GET ACCESS FOR THE REST OF AUGUST RIGHT NOW INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! And you may cancel ANY TIME. 

 A Brand-New FULL-LENGTH Audio Program - Delivered To You Digitally Each Month! Each months’ ALL-NEW downloadable .mp3 will be JAM-PACKED with specific secrets for making GREAT money in photography. These are the LATEST secrets, recorded new each month, so you’re sure to get the best techniques for running your photography business! And you may cancel ANY TIME, if you decide you want to. 

DIRECT ACCESS TO THE “INNER-CIRCLE PHOTO-SUCCESS TEAM”! - Each month we present an all-new online GROUP COACHING & “Listen-In” Session. During these sessions, our Inner-Circle members have direct access to us to ask questions, or to just listen in as we answer questions from other members. This is basically LIVE coaching, where you can ask us any questions, bring up any challenges, and we’ll help you every step of the way. You’ll also have 24/7 access to a special MEMBERS-ONLY email address that you can use to email me questions any time. This is UNPRECEDENTED access to me and my team!

MEMBERS-ONLY Hot-Tips, Webinars, And More! You’ll be part of this elite group, and as part of that, you’ll have access to monthly members-only live online webinar events, hot-tips, email blasts, additional online audio programs, and more as they become available. ALL INCLUDED IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP. 

I know these 13 marketing pieces for you to copy PLUS this bonus 2-part video program will make a HUGE difference in your photography profits this year. Check them out. At $13, there’s no better way out there to get all this great stuff. Enjoy!  

PLUS you get access to our entire ONLINE VAULT for the rest of August for FREE too! 

Worst-case scenario, if you don’t like these templates and samples, you’re only out $13. That’s it. IN FACT, I’ll even guarantee it. If you don’t like the templates, let us know within 10 days, and I’ll refund your $13! So now, you’re not risking a cent. 


Charles J. Lewis M. Photog., Cr. 

P.S. - This is the chance for you to take charge of your photography business and not go through the trial-and-error approach most photographers take to marketing. Just copy what we give you here, which is PROVEN to work right now, and watch 2018 be your most profitable year in photography yet!

TRUE SUCCESS STORY: Here’s What Jenny Wallace-Crounce of Kingwood, TX Has To Say About The Secrets Revealed In This Information:

Average Sale Up by 400% - One Quarter Year Profits - $30,000! Booking 90% of All Wedding Inquiries!

"Your secrets have been priceless to me! I’m very new to photography, and after using your techniques for only 1 year, I’ve become one of the most successful photographers in my area. Everytime I do what you teach I have amazing success. Every time! My average sale has JUMPED 400%! ALL PROFIT! For no more work than I was doing before. In just the last quarter of last year, I made $30,000 profit! My former most expensive wedding package is now the least expensive I sell. I am closing 90% of my bridal consultations! And the thing I love is that it’s so easy, and it’s not pressuring or “tricking” my clients. It’s all 100% honest. I just wanted to thank you personally.”

 -Dina Ivory - Tallahasee, FL

********************************************** FOR JUST $13, you get access to all of these photo-marketing pieces, PLUS this 2-PART video program ONLINE - PLUS access to our entire PHOTO-PROFITS ONLINE VAULT (full of over 150 hours of additional video and audio for photographers)- ALL for the rest of August! Then, starting in September, if you don’t cancel, you will remain a member at the special discounted rate of only $39 per month to continue your access to the ONLINE VAULT & everything on it - including this 2-part video and much, much more. Again, you may cancel at ANY TIME. NOTE: you’ll get to keep your downloads of the marketing pieces forever, no matter when you cancel. Canceling is easy, and can be done anytime - just go to **********************************************